
Showing posts from March, 2017

About rooting your phone!!

About rooting your phone!! You may have heard of the term “rooting your phone” and you may have seen that some apps on the Google Play Store require “root” access to work. But what is root? What is “rooting” your phone and why would you do it? Rooting  is a process that allows you to attain root access to the Android operating system code. It gives you privileges to modify the software code on the device or install other software that the manufacturer wouldn't normally allow you to. Is Rooting your device is safe? While  rooting  is popular amongst some advanced users, there are significant risks of  rooting  devices, especially in corporate environments. Beyond the fact that a device's warranty will be voided or that the device may be “bricked,” meaning it no longer functions, there are also notable security risks involved. How to easily root your phone? The best and easy step to root your phone is by using kingo root. and the easie...

Who is a hacker?

Who is a Hacker?  MOST people think that hackers are computer vandals.  Hackers are not computer criminals.  What you are thinking that hackers are criminals.  NO  you are totally wrong,  media is responsible for this mentality.  Almost all peoples build their opinion on what they are fed by the media.  They do not think twice before believing something that has been printed In the newspaper and magazines.  The media has projected hackers to be computer vandals who damage System files after breaking into servers, make and release viruses, deface web sites and a whole lot more.  Real hackers like to call leople who break into system 'crackers' .  In favt,  people who code and release viruses are not necessarily hackers, they are virri coders.  Traditionally ,  hackers were computer geeks who knew almost everything about computers(both hardware and software) and were widely respec...